The Chapman's Intimacy is a Verb

After a super long hiatus we are back! Hopefully we'll be able to start putting out some more consistent episodes. This episode was another great one. We got the opportunity to interview Jeffrey and Stephanie Chapman. They have four little ones and run a business together called Clay by Steph. We got to talk mostly about their dating years leading up to marriage which was super awesome and insightful. We believe this episode will strike a chord with people in all stages of life, whether single, dating, married or have older kids ready to date. They utilized counseling to help see challenges and hurdles in their relationship and most importantly in their walk with the Lord. It's a beautiful story of watching them work through difficulties and realize Jesus is the ultimate source of fulfillment, something we all need to be reminded of constantly. Hope you enjoy!www.intimacyisaverb.comInstagram: intimacyisaverb
  1. The Chapman's
  2. PART 2 with the Estes'
  3. PART 1 with the Estes'
  4. Sam Allberry – Why does God care who I sleep with?
  5. Grace and Brokenness w/ Jonathan Daugherty


We never envisioned this story to be ours. Our story was suppose to be the fairy tale where high school sweethearts got married, lived in a country home with four kids, and made a comfortable living. The fairy tale got shaken up a bit, okay a ton. Michael had secrets he was hiding from the world, from Bryana, and ultimately it led to the undoing of an image we tried desperately to keep. It led to humiliation, a place of brokenness, a place ready to accept grace, real, tangible, life-giving grace. Our marriage was hanging by a thin piece of thread that by all standards should have given way. But God, in His uniquely miraculous way of doing things, began to reconcile us, first to himself, and then to each other. This is our journey. We don’t like sharing our mess, but we know others can be encouraged through God’s grace in our marriage. We hope and pray for reconciliation in your life, in your marriage, and in your relationships. Our marriage is far from perfect, but we are learning to allow others in on our weaknesses and learning to depend on our loving Father.

Our vision is to spur marriages on to greater depths of intimacy and connection. To be open and authentic with one another and to experience the true joy of a marriage lived in the light. To not shy away from difficulties but embrace the pain of knowing one another because we know this is the soil for true growth and joy. We support God’s design for marriage between a man and a woman and believe in God’s redemptive power within these marriages. While we know there are consequences to sin and that it has extremely damaging effects here on earth, God is way more gracious and more merciful than we can ever imagine. No one falls outside His loving reach. We are hopeful for marriages to thrive, grow, and heal with us on this journey